Ahh holidays, the joy of taking some time out, feeling free and jumping off the merry go round of daily life! Whether you stayed home and simply enjoyed the break or you were lucky enough to travel somewhere wonderful, I hope that you relaxed as much as you could with... read more →
I believe that being a female entrepreneur is one of the most empowering decisions that we can make, with success allowing us the ability to create a business and life that truly reflects our hopes, dreams and desires. We get to be in charge of our own destiny and our... read more →
The festive season is upon us! I’m not really sure how it snuck up on us quite so quickly and yet here we are! This time of year can be a time of immense celebration and relaxation but unfortunately it can also cause immense pressure and stress! RELAXED OR STRESSED?... read more →
Have you ever sat down to start your week, super excited to get stuck into your “to do” list and then hours later found yourself feeling lethargic, dazed, foggy and frustrated? And somehow…all without achieving very much at all! Unfortunately for many business owners, constant demands, distraction and brain drain... read more →
Having a great sense of humor and laughing all of the time can't cure all of our ailments, but data and scientific research is mounting about the positive things that laughter can do for us: Hormone regulation within your body: Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones in your body.... read more →
It’s the perfect name for me really! You see I sort of fell into my position as a business owner simply by being really good at what I did. I had absolutely no clue about business or what it took to run one, my dad was an employee and my... read more →
When all else fails… I like to think of myself as a pretty good planner! That through trial, error, success and failure slowly but surely I create the vision, dreams and goals that began as a dream in my heart and head into tangible, physical reality even if it (unfortunately)... read more →
If you are struggling to cope, feel overwhelmed, frozen by fear, indecision or procrastination: take a little time out and follow along with my easy ABC Method for Ultimate Wellbeing! Assess your state Stop for a one second, close your eyes, take a deep breath in and ask yourself how... read more →