
Frequently Asked Question

A wellbeing coach is a professional coach who takes a holistic approach to helping their clients live healthy, fulfilled and well- rounded lives. Rather than concentrate on just one specific area, issue or “niche” problem, they inherently understand that humans are so much more than just one element or part that is viewed only in isolation. They work with their clients to identify how the presenting issue is impacting not just the identifiable part of their life but also review all of the other areas, impacts and consequences throughout the rest of their life.

A coach will not specifically tell you what to do, rather they will help you to identify issues and areas of concern by working closely with you in order to help clarify your core values, set priorities and identify a vision for the future that you really want. The coach will then work one on one to help guide you towards the actions that you need to take in order to attain that vision that you want for you to become the best possible version of yourself. They will help you to create achievable and realistic goals with measurable outcomes and timelines.

You could think of a wellbeing coach as a mentor or guide. What they will do is provide an extensive toolkit that allows you to continue to do the work on yourself rather than only in your session. By listening to your story, asking pertinent questions and prompting you to look inside yourself, they will help you take control of your own life and discover how to eradicate (or minimise) your particular blocks, issues and stressors that are affecting your health and wellbeing.

A wellbeing coach will help you to create and implement a holistic wellbeing program and be on hand to ensure you are motivated, energised and inspired to carry out the requisite actions. It is important to note that although a coach will guide and assist you, it is down to you to implement and follow through with the program and suggestions in order to achieve your desired outcomes. In other words, a coach cannot help if you if you haven’t bought into really wanting to change for yourself!

Wellbeing encompasses all of the below areas allowing you to feel aligned and healthy in every aspect of your life. A wellbeing coach will help you silence that annoying inner voice that constantly tells you all of the things that are wrong, unfair and that you can’t achieve or do and help you replace that depressing soundtrack with positive thoughts, self-belief uplifting energy and greater resilience in life.

Career challenges – Is it time to look for a new direction or is there friction in your workplace that’s affecting your wellbeing and enthusiasm for life?

Business – Business owners and entrepreneurs face an extraordinary amount of pressure and a myriad of challenges every single day as they strive to juggle all of the hats required for their business to succeed, clients and team to thrive. It can feel like an emotional roller coaster that never ends and can unfortunately negatively impact every aspect of their life if not well managed over the short to long term.

Relationships – Are you unhappy or unfulfilled in your current relationship and can’t find a healthy, long term loving relationship?

Physical Health –Are you noticing health challenges, illness, pain and discomfort in your body? Is your energy lacking, do you feel that your body is letting you down? Do you feel cloudy mentally and struggle to achieve your goals and keep your focus?

Mental health – Anxiety, depression, hopelessness, overwhelm, O.C.D, phobias, racing thoughts, lack of self-confidence or any other area of concern.

Personal Empowerment – Do you feel out of control, like life is passing you by and you want to   ‘take back control’ of your life and feel relax and confident about your internal fortitude to overcome whatever life brings and be positive about your future?

Financial Stress – The detrimental impact of this type of stress cannot be expressed enough! Ongoing financial stress impacts every area of your life and is so detrimental. When you are deep in despair, energetically exhausted and completely overwhelmed, your body, your mental health and all of your relationships suffer (especially the one that you have with yourself as you beat yourself up for your feeling of failure and possible despondency to change it)

Lack of focus and/or direction – Do you feel ‘stuck’? Do you feel that you have somehow ‘lost your way’ and you just don’t know which way to turn?

All of the above areas are often dealt with in isolation with the expectation or hope that solving one issue will have a positive knock on effect to any other problems that you are experiencing.

It may well be the case that other areas of your life will improve as a natural consequence of sorting out the key issue or component, but, it’s a bit like fixing a car – fixing the brakes won’t have any effect on the engine; likewise, working solely on a health symptom may not have any effect on an underlying desire to change aspects of your life that are negatively impacting your level of happiness, health and wealth in life

A wellbeing coach’s special expertise lies in recognising the inter-connectivity of all the areas in their client’s life and helping them to create a program and lifestyle that enables them to live a life of positivity and happiness.

Few people go sailing through life without experiencing any turbulence. We all have our ups and downs and how we react to those challenges varies for us all. While some brush them off with ease, others can struggle and take time to adjust.  Having support, guidance and coaching to move through the discomfort and turbulence can be of immense benefit and ultimately save you so much time (without having to experience the pitfalls the hard way).

If you have a strong desire to make positive changes in your life, be a better version of yourself, realise your full potential, gain greater confidence, be more resilient, achieve specific tasks, address difficulties, have better relationships or improve your business, career and finances then there’s an excellent chance that wellbeing coaching will assist you greatly.

As with all things “human” there is no definitive answer to how long each individual will require coaching assistance for. It depends on several things, including:

  • What the issues are
  • The client’s motivation
  • How ready and willing the client is to make changes

To get the best out of the service and program, a coach will expect you to fully commit to showing up for sessions, learning the tools required to improve your life and implementing the specific changes that you identify during your session otherwise nothing will actually change!

If you are considering investing in wellbeing coaching have a look over this list and ask yourself if you can make (and keep) these promises to yourself (and to your coach) in order to improve your entire wellbeing?

  • Are you prepared to allow yourself to make YOUR OWN health and wellbeing a priority?
  • Are you able to be totally honest with your coach and, more importantly, yourself?
  • Will you commit to focus on the positives in your personal journey to wellbeing, leaving as much negativity behind as you can?
  • Are you prepared to take full control of your own life?
  • Do you commit to a creating a NEW compelling future that supports your health and wellbeing?
  • Are you willing to reduce or eradicate harmful habits and behaviours in your life?
  • Can you now allow yourself to fully enjoy and experience “all of the good” in your life?
  • Are you willing to accept that you can create your own personal journey that serves you first and foremost?
  • Are you willing to admit that you are a unique individual, with your own desires and needs and not a clone of anyone else?
  • Are you open and receptive to try new things and have an open mind in order to change for the better in the quickest time possible?

Wellbeing (or wellness) is best defined as a personal journey undertaken by individuals through conscious choice and effort. There is not a singular final destination as there is no end point.

You are forever evolving and growing in the same way that life continues to continue.  However, that doesn’t mean that you won’t have goals and outcomes that you desire and are actively working on and aiming for.

The wellbeing journey and path adheres more to the philosophy of living from awareness, mindfully and holistically, consciously striving to learn, grow, change, create and “respond ably” to life and all of it’s inherent challenges rather than simply “react” to the situations we find ourselves in.  There is also no singular ‘right’ way to wellness, as no two individuals are the same and all coaching completed treats you as a unique being with inherent gifts and skills (even if at this current time, you aren’t sure what they are.)

Conventional western medicine generally aims to move people from a state of illness, to a neutral point or to a place of having no physical symptoms. This is important to note; if you need immediate critical care after a car accident, a fall, broken bones and life saving treatment, emergency medicine and the life enhancing benefits that our specialists and health care system provides cannot be disputed.

However in the context of wellbeing, our primary focus is about consciously working and moving towards clients living an inspired life with a level of uplifting, energizing wellness that helps them to thrive rather than just survive day to day, living a life filled with mental and physical pain, illness or muted symptoms.

Focusing on your wellbeing (or wellness) allows you to move towards harmony, balance and integration of all aspects of yourself and your internal and external environment.  It allows you to live your daily life optimally with ongoing energy, emotional health and wealth that generates a greater sense of gratitude and a Life of Ultimate Wellbeing.

The aim of wellbeing coaching is to enable you as an individual to live your life in a more harmonious, healthy and happy state (regardless of what is taking place in your external world).

This may involve many small steps and possibly some big changes in your life plus an ongoing commitment to activate and maintain the new habits discussed within your sessions.

Coaching may be required at intermittent stages in the future to help keep you on track and “tweak” any issues that arise however the skills that you learn throughout the coaching program and journey will empower you to cope with life with greater resilience, meaning way  less ups and downs of emotional trauma, trepidation and various health symptoms.

Meaning that won’t be forever reliant on coaches, specialists and others as you continue your progressive life journey.

If you are ready to change your health, wellbeing and life for the better, reach out and let’s begin your journey together. I wish there were but alas, there isn’t an instant fix to magically change our lives but surely being the very best that we can be throughout the journey of life is worth investing in, working towards and for?  After all, you only have one life and body so it’s best to take care of it!

In a session we have a quick chat about the issue that you are currently facing and then we get to work shifting it. As we do the “work” your eyes will be closed, it feels very relaxing and safe and we talk for a good amount of the time. You are aware of what you’re saying and doing throughout the entire session. Most of my clients say that they feel so relaxed that they don’t want the session to end!

Some say it feels like a meditation but it’s so much deeper than that. Old patterns, behaviours, habits and limiting beliefs begin to fall away within your very first session and you feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. A sense of expansive calm surrounds you that for some can feel quite unfamiliar and unsettling (due to how busy our thoughts, brain, body and lives generally are). As you progress through the program, you will begin to live from this peaceful, calm state more and more allowing your stress levels to decrease and your sense of wellbeing to increase.

This type of holistic therapy is not an instant miracle pill and definitely not a band aid. We’re not masking the issue or pain that you’re experiencing, we’re lovingly going to the root of it and will safely “peel the layers off ” that have kept you in the undesired physical, mental and emotional or financial state.

I’m guessing that it’s probably taken more than an hour, a day or a month for the current life issue or issues to manifest, that you now find yourself facing.  Whilst it’s my absolute aim to help clear the issue and discomfort that you are feeling as quickly as possible, in my experience it can take a couple of sessions for you (and your body) to get comfortable with the process and relax enough that the issue begins to release from your mind, body and life.

Within my online program there are regularly scheduled VIP private sessions in conjunction with your “deep dive” online learning and homework to best support complete integration into your life. Ultimately giving you the very best opportunity for ongoing success within your life.

If you would like to initially dip your toes in the water to get a feel for the work before committing to a program, I recommend at a minimum; 3 private sessions however I have found time and time again that for deep, lasting change to anchor and lived fully, (ie: from an unconscious level of integration and habitulisation) committing to a cost effective program for 3 – 6 months is the optimal approach to ensure that your financial investment and time commitment to your ongoing health and wellbeing and desired goals be realized and happily celebrated!

Most of my amazing clients have already identified that they have an issue before they reach out to me. Usually they have tried many other things on their own or with others to shift it. They’ve read loads of books, listened to heaps of podcasts, YouTube videos and more. Most have worked with a traditional talk therapist for at times; years and found it to “help” but “there’s still something there” that they can’t quite figure out.

They may have heard about me and the results that their family or friends achieved and so decide to reach out for a chat or they found me online and took decisive action and booked in.

My youngest client has been 8 years of age and my oldest 86! They (or their parents) decided that it’s time to make a change and find a new healthier way of moving forward, once and for all!

I do have a natural affinity to working with business owners, entrepreneurs, high level managers and CEO’s as I have walked the business path so intimately myself throughout the years and can personally empathise and relate with many of the unique challenges and opportunities that they are presented with on a day to day basis.  Plus the many pitfalls, heartache and betrayals that may be faced on that journey but are rarely talked about in the wider community, with staff members, clients and even family and friends.

You notice you’re feeling a little more emotional, anxious, stressed and overwhelmed by life. Or maybe current events are conspiring to make you want to cancel your session. Sometimes physical symptoms can even heighten slightly before your allocated session time.

Our minds and bodies are incredibly skillful at wanting to keep the status quo in place (even when that status quo is uncomfortable, unpleasant and causes physical and emotional pain for you!)

Over the many years of doing this work with my clients, it’s a natural phenomenon for this to sometimes, show up.  Some of my clients have said that it felt like their resolve was being tested to see if they were really committed to showing up, doing the inner work and making the changes that they said they wanted to make.

If this happens for you, simply acknowledge and thank your body for sharing, take some deep breathes and settle into the knowledge that your transformation has (energetically) already begun!  This is truly powerful work.

By the end of your very first session you will feel so much lighter, calmer, connected and relieved that you actually took action and followed through.

During your session I intuitively draw on my over 20 plus years of wellness training, multiple certifications and qualifications. As a wellbeing coach and a holistic therapist I combine a variety of tools and techniques that include NLP (neurolinguistic programming), Journey Work, Access Consciousness, Pranic Healing (some may know it as Energetic Clearing – similar to reiki) as well as business and coaching skills and experience that I’ve gained whilst founding, building and scaling my own Australia wide 25 plus year business, Rejuvenators Health Massage.

Unfortunately at this time, sessions are not covered by health insurance.

As a holistic therapist, I focus on you as a whole person – physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically and spiritually. Many of the issues that we face can be shifted once the underlying blocks are dissolved which is what we do together safely at a pace of your choosing.  I work with the majority of physical and emotional symptoms, business and life challenges that most people face in day to day life and present with. Reach out so that we can have a chat and I’ll let you know if I can assist or if not, refer you on to a number of other professional services that may be of use.

Absolutely, there are no restrictions to accessing this type of coaching whilst under the care of another professional, doctor, treatment plan or course.
When you begin working with me you will be asked to complete a brief health questionnaire outlining current general health issues so that your sessions can be tailored to your desired outcome in line with any other treatment plans and protocols that you may have already have in place.
If you are currently taking medications, at no stage should you stop them without proper, supervised medical advice from your doctor, health care practitioner or specialist.